Need an Absentee Ballot?

If you will not be able to make it to your voting precinct's polling location on March 15, 2016, you can still vote using the United States Postal Service.

♦ Just follow these  instructions.

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Absentee Ballot Application Form

1.   Pick up a copy of the application from the Town Clerk's Office


     If you have a computer and a printer.


             b)  Print the form using double-sided printing. One side is the self-mailer.   If you do not            have a double-sided printer, print out the two separate pages.

2.  Fill out the application page, making sure to include the March 15, 2016 date and your signature.

3.  On the mailing address page, add "Wellesley" and the  zip code "02482" and a stamp. 

4.   Fold the double-sided form on the dotted line so that the mailing address shows on the outside.  If you have two pages, simply place the two pages together and fold on the dotted line so the mailing address shows.  The second page will be enclosed inside.  Tape to close the form for mailing.


Deliver the application in person to the Town Clerk's Office, located at Town Hall, 525 Washington St., first floor.  You can then vote €œover-the-counter if ballots are printed, or the Ballot will be mailed to you.

Absentee Ballot Voting

1.   After completing and mailing back your application, you will be mailed your ballot the day it is received, so be on the look out for it. 

2.   Complete the Ballot, remembering to vote "No"  on "Question 1 -- Special Act" (if you agree with out positions here)  in addition to voting for the candidates.

3.  Mail the Ballot back to the Town Clerk per the instruction on the Ballot, or deliver to the Town Clerk. 

 The State website has even more information.

Remember, an absentee ballot application must be received by the Town Clerk before noon on the day before the election.  If mailing your application and ballot, allow sufficient time mail in your application form, have your ballot mailed to you and then mail back your ballot, and be returned to the Town Clerk's office before the polls close at 8 PM on March 15, 2016. You may return the ballot to the Town Hall in person the day before (but not on) Election Day.

If you need help with these instructions,  are unable to obtain a paper application form, do not have a printer or have other problems, please click on "I need help with my Absentee Ballot" providing your contact information and we will assist you.

If you need help with these instructions,  are unable to obtain a paper application form, do not have a printer or have other problems, please click on "I need help with my Absentee Ballot" providing your contact information and we will assist you.

Absentee Ballot Voting

If you will not be able to vote in Wellesley on March 15, 2016 you can have the Town Clerk send you an absentee ballot by first filling out and mailing to the Town Clerk the absentee ballot application form.  You can also have an application sent to your college students if they still vote in Wellesley.

For more Information about out-of country, and in-person Town Hall Voting